Thursday, April 25, 2013

Open Educational Resources and MOOC’s: Shifting Trends in Higher Education

I will be presenting and facilitating a discussion on Open Educational Resources and MOOC'S at SUNY Plattsburgh's annual Center for Teaching Excellence conference on teaching and learning, Saturday April 27th. 

The session is titled: Open Educational Resources and MOOC’s: Shifting Trends in Higher Education
The presentation can be viewed below, followed by additional resources for the participants. 

Open Educational Resources

To learn more about Open Educational Resources

OER101: Locating, Creating, Licensing, and Using OER
This is an open enrollment “course” created for SUNY faculty and staff. It has drawn people from all over the world. To date over 700 people have enrolled. Think of it as a resource more than a course. There is no start or end date.

OER Handbook on WikiEducator

To learn more about Creative Commons:

Some places to find and/or store OER 

Always double check the licensing terms! Often they are found with the resource or in the terms of use section of the website

A rubric to help you evaluate OER

MOOC - Massive Open Online Course

Creating an Open Course
Listen to this Google Hangout with Carol Yeager and Betty Hurley-Dasgupta from Empire State College as they discuss their experiences with developing and offering c-MOOCs. They begin with an explanation of different types of MOOC’s.

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (CCK11)
This link is to the 2011 version of the first c-MOOC by Siemens and Downes. There are many links to readings on Connectivism.

DS106- Digital Storytelling
This is one of the most popular MOOC’s that has spurred a large community of practice. Project oriented course.

This article discusses the pedagogical differences between c-MOOC’s and x-MOOC’s
Rodriguez, C.O. (2012). MOOCs and the AI-Stanford like Courses: Two Successful and Distinct Course Formats for Massive Open Online Courses. European Journal of Open, Distance, and E-Learning. Retrieved from

MOOC’s and the Quality Question by Ronald Legon, Executive Director of Quality Matters
This article focuses on x-MOOC’s

x-MOOC Providers

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Locating, Creating, Licensing and Utilizing OERs (OER-101)

For the last 4-5 months I have been collaborating with amazing people from Buffalo State College, SUNY Oswego, and Empire State on an open course to be used as professional development SUNY wide and beyond on OER. The course is open now for registration, but goes live with all content tomorrow, 1/23/13. I am extremely excited about this course. It is being marketed as a MOOC, but we are calling it a community course after a model implemented by Philyse Banner at American Public University. In this model building communities of practice through community groups is encouraged. 

Anyone can sign up at

Follow us on twitter at #OER101